Discretion in Addiction Treatment Services

Discretion in Addiction Treatment Services


The provision of addiction services to successful women and men requires a heightened level of discretion most residential treatment facilities are unable or unwilling to provide. In my experience as a researcher and clinician, I’ve found competent and culturally sensitive care demands we treat our high functioning and externally successful clients discretely with a clinical acumen that honors their commitment to succeed.
Recovery is a life long process that requires a solid foundation of emotional acceptance and intellectual understanding. The goal of treatment is to give people the tools they need to get back out in the world and on with their lives. To be embraced and utilized, however, these tools must be presented in a package that reflects our clients’ self and world concepts. Discretion in the provision of care assures we accomplish this objective in a culturally and clinically sensitive way.
Dr. Hokemeyer is the Senior Clinical Advisor to 

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